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Tessera M2 and T1 processors feature the most powerful and flexible fixture mapping available on any LED processor.


Place fixtures anywhere on the full HD canvas, regardless of the order in which they are cabled, removing the need for external pixel mapping.  Rotate fixtures to any angle (or 0Ëš / 90Ëš / 180Ëš / 270Ëš on S4 Processors).


Free Placement & Rotation

The fixture processing engine has two modes:


Interpolated Mode


When using fixtures of different pixel pitches, the fixture with the finest pixel pitch operates at its native resolution, and content for fixtures with coarser pitches is automatically scaled so that the content appears the same physical size across all fixture types.

1:1 Mode


Pixel pitch information is ignored, ensuring perfect 1:1 mapping of input pixels to LEDs on fixtures, regardless of pixel pitch. This is useful in situations where content has been pre-mapped upstream, in a media server for example.

Automatic Pixel Pitch Interpolation

A unique feature of Tessera is the ability to support multiple ‘sub-fixtures’ from a single Receiver Card. This is especially useful for creative fixtures, such as LED strips and small tiles, where there is typically a single power supply ‘root node’ controlling multiple strips.


Each sub-fixture can be independently positioned and rotated, just like a normal fixture and the number and types of sub-fixture connected to each Receiver Card can be configured at run time, resulting in greatly increased flexibility for creative applications.


Sub-Fixture Mapping
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