OSCA - On-Screen Colour Adjustment - enables a special user interface to appear on the LED screen itself, allowing for quick, easy module and seam selection.
Techs no longer need to waste time counting panels in huge walls in order to try and identify the correct panel to adjust in their control software. Adjustments can be made by clicking on controls within the software GUI, either from Tessera Remote or a locally connected keyboard, mouse and monitor. Every control also has a keyboard shortcut, so power users can quickly learn to make adjustments without ever taking their eyes off of the LED wall.
OSCA helps solve two very common problems with LED displays: ​
Mechanical tolerance issues causing the appearance of bright or dark lines between adjacent modules or panels.
Inconsistent ageing, mixed batches or calibration problems causing colour/brightness mis-matches between modules or panels.
When exiting OSCA mode, all adjustments are saved semi-permenantly to the panels themselves, using the same storage as is used for calibration data. This means adjustments 'travel' with the panels, so the next show can benefit from re-using previous settings even if the wall is re-assembled with panels in different positions.
Controls are also provided to temporarily turn off OSCA adjustments so techs can easily choose whether to start from the settings already in the panels or to start afresh. If they choose to start afresh, reset buttons are provided to revert settings to their defaults.
Within the OSCA interface it is possible to quickly select the desired solid colour test pattern, or switch back to live video to preview how the correction settings look with real content.
OSCA seam controls automatically detect adjacent modules/panels and adjusts the brightness of both module/panel edges simultaneously to give the best visual compensation for the appearance of bright/dark lines.
When panels are placed together for the first time, the adjustments for the two adjacent edges are automatically averaged to give an adjustment for the new seam.
For easier seam selection, there are options to enable selection of only vertical or horizontal seams. Adjustments can be made by mouse, scrollwheel or keyboard.
All OSCA seam adjustments are relative rather than absolute. Therefore users need not worry about the existing seam settings, they can just select any visibly dark seams and adjust to make them brighter, or all visibly bright seams and make them darker, and then iterate until all seams are invisible. This workflow is very fast and easy for users to master.
OSCA provides a powerful set of controls for making colour matches between panels and modules. At the simplest level there are module-/panel-wide luminance and red, green, blue gain controls. These affect all colours equally.
Beyond these master controls, OSCA also let users adjust the hue, saturation and luminance independently for each of the primary colours, secondary colours and white. This means one colour can be corrected without affecting other, already-matched colours.
Users therefore have the opportunity to achieve a lot better matching than can be achieved using only global RGB gains. The controls automatically switch depending on which solid colour test pattern is selected, so there is no risk of using the wrong controls.
Selection modes are either per-module or per-panel. All OSCA colour adjustments are relative rather than absolute. Therefore users need not worry about the existing colour settings, they can just select any similarly discoloured modules/panels and incrementally adjust to make them match other panels, and iterate until all modules match for the selected colour.